60g Pasta (Spaghetti)
2 slice bacon
1/4 Garlic
1 Shallot
1 Egg
1 tbsp Parmesan cheese
Course black pepper
- Boil salted water (~1 tsp salt to 700ml). Cook pasta until al dente, drain, toss with olive oil, then set aside.
- While cooking pasta, cut bacon into smaller slices and fry in non-stick pan. Set aside. Do not clean the pan.
- Chop garlic and shallots into small bits (~0.3cm)
- Add garlic and shallots to the same pan used to cook bacon. There should be fats from the bacon in the pan. Saute until fragrant.
- Mix egg with parmesan cheese and mix/beat slightly
- Add pasta to pan with garlic and shallots
- Remove pan from heat. Add in egg mixture and toss quickly in pan.
- When sauce is thicken, serve with crispy bacon
Variation: Replace bacon with crackling pork belly chunks